In 2010 Justin and Jonathan moved down to South Africa to begin building Zara. After just under 5 years the project was complete and the brothers set sail for Bermuda to begin chartering Zara.
Sailing and boat building has always been in the Kempe family heritage. Our grandfather James 'Jimmy' Kempe was an avid sailor competing in 2 Olympic Games. Our father Reid Kempe and his brother Jay Kempe competed together in the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona in the Tornado class. So multi-hulls have always been a passion in the Kempe family so it was no surprise that we decided to build a catamaran. Growing up our father Reid and our mother Lucia were undertaking one of the most ambitious classic boat restorations of 'Chicane', a 1926 Alfred Mylne design. Being that from a young age Justin and Jonathan were exposed to the world of boat building, moving down to South Africa to build a 77 foot catamaran was the perfect fit!
We remember and honour the vision and accomplishments of our father, Reid Kempe, and his impact on Bermuda Yachts and the lives of his family and friends.